Package: r-cran-rcmdr Version: 1.8-4-1 Severity: important In Wheezy, Rcmdr package (r-cran-rcmdr) claims as dependencies some CRAN packages that are not in Wheezy: sem, leaps, e1071, aplpack.
Test: In a R terminal, execute: library("Rcmdr") A error window appears what notify "Missing the following packages what Rcmdr needs: sem, leaps, e1071, aplpack" If you select "No install", Rcmdr runs but I have not thoroughly tested if everything works correctly. The Rcmdr menu entry doesn't work: nothing appears. If you manually run in a terminal the "Exec" line of the '/usr/share/applications/Rcmdr.desktop' file, the above mentioned (a error window appears what notify about missing packages) occurs. The system is a Debian GNU/Linux Wheezy, updated as of today. Thanks!