On 20160217@08:09, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
> Hi, lets do another spin.
> (the correct way is *you* doing the work, uploading on mentors and asking for 
> sponsorship :) )
> default minimal key mapping         : yes
> default minimal key bindings        : yes
> default configuration file builtin  : yes
> resize optimizations                : yes
> system,popen calls wrappers enabled : yes
> will allow push of directories      : yes
> will recurse directories (-R switch): yes
> patch for running under screen      : yes
> ~/.fimrc startup file support       : yes
> ~/.fim_history load/save support    : yes
> autocommands enabled                : yes
> hardcoded PSF font (FBFONT=fim://)  : yes
> will read image files from stdin(-i): yes
> GNU regexps (default is Posix)      :*no
> seek magic signatures               :*no
> customizable status bar             : yes
> use C++11 constructs (internals)    : no
> readline (-lrl) library support     : yes
> use 'xcftopnm' for XCF files        :*no
> use 'inkscape' for SVG files        : no
> use 'fig2dev' for FIG files         : no
> use 'convert' for unrecognized files:*no
> use 'exiftool' for EXIF tags in JPEG:*no
> framebuffer (built-in) support      : yes
> X        (sdllib) support (-o sdl)  : yes
> ASCII art (aalib) support (-o aa)   : no
> X        (Imlib2) support(-o imlib2):*no
> coloured ASCII art (cacalib) support:*no
> EXIF (JPEG) tags support (libexif)  : yes
> BMP      file support (builtin)     : yes
> JP2 (JPEG-2K) file support (JasPer) : no
> PCX      file support (builtin)     : yes
> PNG      file support (libpng)      : yes
> JPEG     file support (libjpeg)     : yes
> TIFF     file support (libtiff)     : yes
> GIF      file support (libgif)      : yes
> DJVU     file support (libdjvu)     :*yes
> PDF      file support (libpoppler)  :*no
> PS       file support (libspectre)  :*no
> NEF/RAW  file support (libufraw)    :*no
> TAR/ZIP/.. file support (libarchive):*no
> GraphicsMagick support (libGraphicsMagick):*no
> libaa1-dev is already a build-dependency, but for some reasons is not enabled.
> Since it is not an experimental feature, why shouldn't it be automagically 
> detected when bits are in place
> and installed on the system?
The configuration as above but with aa enabled would be perfect as of
now; it only needs
 ./configure --enable-aa 
You're telling me packaging is much easier if one turns libaa on
successful detection.
Ok: then this evening I try to implement this in the configure and post
here the new tarball links.

> and BTW does it work with sdl2?
Never tried.
I'll check up the migration guide here
and let you know.
I likely expect this won't be possible with release 0.5 --- in the
future it might be.

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