On Thu, 18 Feb 2016, Niklas Edmundsson wrote:

On Thu, 18 Feb 2016, Luca Filipozzi wrote:

On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 06:15:46PM -0800, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
* The Wanderer <wande...@fastmail.fm> [2015-09-04 12:17]:
When I connect to http://get.debian.org/ in a Web browser, I am
redirected to https://www.debian.org/CD/, which is a HTTPS site.

FYI, get.debian.org redirects to http://www.debian.org/CD/

I think the https stuff comes from the https-was-previously-used-for-this-site-so-lets-enforce-it site/browser feature, I forget what it's called...

So at least the confusion is not intentional on our part ;-)

 Niklas Edmundsson, Admin @ {acc,hpc2n}.umu.se      |     ni...@acc.umu.se
 Only lemmings jump to conclusions.

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