> 366 added objects in 5 minutes, and the memory increased by 55 mb.

The meliae dumps for that time period grew from 807 mb to 813 mb.
I don't know if that 6 mb of serialized data could use 55 mb in memory
or not.

Of the 3556035 lines in the last meliae dump, 3394078 were of type: str.
The breakdown of which by len is:

1542175 18
 380340 8
 340319 48
 222324 168

The length 18 strings looked like binary data, so if part of obnam
generates 18 character wide strings (perhaps as a packed data structure),
that might point at what is using most of the space.

{"address": 139975408226352, "type": "str", "size": 55, "len": 18, "value": 
"refs": []}
{"address": 139975408226408, "type": "str", "size": 55, "len": 18, "value": 
 "refs": []}
{"address": 139975408226464, "type": "str", "size": 55, "len": 18, "value": 
"\u0000 0{c\u0092\u00da\u00b7*\u0000 0{c\u0092\u00da\u00b7*", "refs": []}
{"address": 139975408226520, "type": "str", "size": 55, "len": 18, "value": 
"refs": []}

see shy jo

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