Hey Otto,
Sorry I totally forgot about this. Yes, I do have an updated patch.
I actually found there to be some issues with containers which had
embedded mysqld forked from the start script so I added an additional
check to the 2) version.

Following problems might exist in the future with this version:
 - When mysqld is called without mysqld_safe
 - Somebody managed to start mysqld as init

So it shouldn't be too much of an issue in general.


On Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 03:48:38PM +0200, Otto Kekäläinen wrote:
> Hello Lennart!
> Do you intend to make one more version of the patch so that it is
> perfect and it is safe for me to include it in the next upload?
> Thanks for your help!
> 2016-01-26 11:13 GMT+02:00 Otto Kekäläinen <o...@seravo.fi>:
> >> 2) Check the parent process id being 1
> >>    In this case parent of the parent because of mysqld_safe
> >>    # test $(ps -o ppid= -p $(ps -o ppid= -p $PID)) -eq 1
> >>    This would work in most cases I can think of. mysqld run by a user
> >>    or a container would not be started by the init. But seems like a
> >>    rather complex solution to a fairly simple problem.
> >
> > Option 2 seems OK. Alternatively we could check processed owned by user 
> > 'mysql'.
> >
> > Yes, the solution might be a bit complex, but I am fine with it as
> > long as the bash code is well documented and as clean as possible, so
> > that potential regressions/bugs in future are easy to track down and
> > new people are confident in tweaking the code. Try avoiding long
> > oneliners and short-cut code style (to the extend possible, it is
> > after all bash scripting).
diff --git a/mysql-server b/mysql-server.new
index 52f1292..19b1614 100644
--- a/mysql-server
+++ b/mysql-server
@@ -16,10 +16,14 @@
 		MYADMIN="/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf"
 		if [ -z "`$MYADMIN ping 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
 		  # Really no mysqld or in incorrect authentication in /etc/mysql/debian.cnf user?
-		  # If this occurs and is not a error please report a bug.
-		  if ps cax | grep -q mysqld; then
- 		    exit 1
-		  fi
+		  for PID in $(pgrep mysqld); do
+		    # If the parent of the parent (mysqld_safe) PID is 1 we can assume it's the system
+		    # mysqld and it should have responded to the ping
+		    PPID=$(ps -o ppid= -p $PID)
+		    if [ $(ps -p $PPID -o comm=) = mysqld_safe ]; then
+		      test $(ps -o ppid= -p  $PPID) -eq 1 && exit 1
+		    fi
+		  done
 		  $MYADMIN flush-logs

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