Control: tags -1 + pending upstream


On 07:32 Fri 09 Oct     , Heiko Schlittermann wrote:
> Hi,
> Jaldhar H. Vyas <> (Fr 09 Okt 2015 05:46:44 CEST):
> > On Thu, 8 Oct 2015, Heiko Schlittermann (HS12-RIPE) wrote:
> …
> > >   uri = ldap://<host>
> > >   tls = yes
> > >   tls_<other options> = …
> > >
> > >works. But depending on the LDAP server this isn't an option.
> > >
> > 
> > Thanks.  I would like to get upstreams opinion before applying this.
> I tried to reach out via the dovecot ML, but until now there is no
> response. (But not much time passed yet …)

This seems to have been fixed upstream in 2.2.20, see [1].



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