
Fedora trackballs maintainer here. While doing some work on the Fedora
trackballs package, I noticed that Debian's trackballs pkg now has
guile-2.0 support, which is great.

Fedora has had an incomplete guile-2.0 patch for a while now:

But we never got around to finishing this and moving from our
compat-guile18 pkg to using the default guile-2.0 in Fedora.
Note I did not write this patch.

Comparing the Fedora and Debian patches, it seems that the Debian
patch is more complete when it comes to the C-guile glue side, but
you only patch lv1.scm (*) when it comes to modifying the actual
guile code. The Fedora patch has a different approach for the
problem in lv1.scm, on top of that it identifies the same problem
in a number of other .scm files. The Debian pkg should probably patch
these other .scm files too. Besides that the Fedora patch identifies
some other problems in a few .scm files.

I personally do not know guile at all. But I think it would be good
for someone to take a look at the Fedora changes to the .scm files
and apply some of these to the Debian pkg. For Fedora I'm going to
stick with compat-guile18 for now.




I'm currently creating a trackballs.appdata.xml file, this should show
up in http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/trackballs.git/tree/ soon,
feel free to add it to the Debian pkg while you are at it because of
the guile changes :)

*) In 0002-lv1.scm-move-illegal-expression-context-define-to-th.patch

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