On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 08:29:37AM -0500, Lennart Sorensen wrote:
>On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 08:43:13AM +0100, Laurent COOPER wrote:
>> Thank you for enquiries
>> I made the i386 boot key with a 1G usb key, using the dd command
>> (dd if=debian-8.3.0....i386 of=/dev/sdb bs=4M)
>> I next use fdisk to create sdb3 and made a fat32 filesystem. Copied on it
>> - the missing firmware with the deb file
>> - the missing firmware extrated from debfile in a /firmare subdirectory
>You did name the subdirectory /firmware I would hope.
>I think I always use the root directory option rather than /firmware,
>but according to the user guide either should work.

Yup, I was reviewing and testing the code in this area last night and
I can verify that.

>> check-missing-firmware could not load the ipw2200-bs.fw
>> I thought it was possibly because it was on sdb3 and not sdb1
>> I could mount manually the filesystem with mount and read sdb3 although
>> I copied the same file on a quite large usbstick (4G) with FAT32
>> filesystem. All was this time on sdc1
>> didn't work neither
>> Finally , after reading that fat was a first stage supported, but not
>> necessaraly fat32, i copied the files again, this time on a small 512M
>> usb key in FAT.
>> This third time it worked.
>I know exFAT doesn't work (I tried a 64GB once), which makes sense.
>I thought I have used FAT32 devices successfully before, but maybe I am
>remembering wrong.

This is what I'm wondering - all my testing worked regardless of
FAT/FAT32. Well, except the one where I built a locally hacked version
with extra debug and broke the entire thing... :-)

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"Because heaters aren't purple!" -- Catherine Pitt

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