
I enjoyed playing around with this bug.
My test setup involves google-mock as package, but I think this is
somewhat arbitrary. I chose google-mock, because no package depends
on it.

jessie and wheezy in sources.list, amd64, package google-mock installed

1. start aptitude as a user
2. search google-mock
3. [-] (mark for removal)
4. OK (package cache read-only)
5. [g]
        now the preview opens.
        google-mock is to be removed,
        libgtest-dev is to be removed, because no longer used
6. [g]
7. become root :-)
8. [g]
        actual removal.
9. now the package view says: will use 2,187 kB of disk spac ...
10. [g]
        packages to be installed: google-mock and libgtest-dev
        interestingly libgtest-dev will not be automatically
        installed, but manually!

I cannot reproduce this behaviour, when I become root before doing
the removal.

In the end, this looks to me to be 
since it involves becoming root in between the package action.


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