Control: tag 801247 + moreinfo

On Sun 2016-02-21 21:02:28 +0100, Wilmer van der Gaast wrote:
> I just had the same problem. I've straced gpg-agent and its child 
> processes which resulted in a 5.1MByte strace dump though I'd rather not 
> share it blindly.
> I do see the following things in it:
> 7105  connect(9, {sa_family=AF_LOCAL, sun_path=@"/tmp/dbus-xNLgc87fg9"}, 
> 23) = -1 ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)
> 7103  write(2, "\n** (pinentry:7103): WARNING **: couldn't create prompt 
> for gnupg passphrase: Could not connect: Connection refused\n", 116) = 116
> 7102  write(3, "2016-02-21 19:56:43 gpg-agent[4656] DBG: error calling 
> pinentry: Operation cancelled <Pinentry", 94) = 94
> Some of that is in logs as you can see, but the connection refused to 
> being dbus may be helpful information. I have no file named /tmp/dbus-* 
> though to me the @ looks like it's actually the anonymous Unix domain 
> socket namespace?

thanks for the dump.  Do you actually have a dbus session running?
(e.g. a separate dbus process for your user account)?

what does echo $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS show?  (if it contains
unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-xNLgc87fg9, that would be good to know).

If DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS is set to some other value, can you make
gpg-agent successfully use pinentry-gnome3 by killing the agent
(gpgconf --kill gpg-agent) and then re-invoking whatever command
triggered gpg-agent?

what commands are you using to trigger gpg-agent?  if you're using gpg
1.4.x to talk to the agent, what is the output of "dpkg -l gnupg" ?

> Happy to look at other things if it helps. For now fortunately I've got 
> my SSH auth working again with pinentry-gtk-2.

glad you have this workaround for now, and sorry for the hassle.


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