Package: remmina
Version: 1.1.1-2

Even if the "Maintain scale ratio" button is enabled, and this is saved in the connection, Remmina does not always honor it. This happens in some cases on window size change, and sometimes even right after connecting.

How to reproduce:
- Connect via VNC to a computer whose screen is larger than your screen.

Expected behaviour:
- A connection window appears that takes all available space on the screen. It has the remote screen in the center, scaled down with correct aspect ratio, and black borders around it.

Actual behaviour:
- A connection windows appears that takes all available space on the screen. It has the remote screen stretched to take all available space, with wrong aspect ratio and no black borders. - If I click the "Lock ratio" (or whatever it's called) button two times in a row (disabling and re-enabling it), Remmina applies the ratio lock, and black borders appear.

Having to make three additional clicks right after starting each connection simply because Remmina forgets to apply its saved options is annoying.

I'm using Debian Jessie x64 with MATE and all available updates - just installed it few days ago, so it's almost "a clean installation", and the Remmina package from the repository with VNC and RDP plugins. I haven't tried to reproduce the bug with RDP - I don't have a suitable RDP server available.


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