Excerpts from Johannes Ranke's message of 2016-03-07 13:06:51 -0800:
> Just for the record, maybe there are more people out there that are late 
> upgrading their servers from squeeze to wheezy...
> When /etc/init.d/mysql start fails as described in this report, the command
> mysqld
> gives information on the command line what is going on. In my case, I had 
> several errors, including the hint that I should run mysql_upgrade (which did 
> not work, as it needs a running mysql server):
> 160307 21:49:22 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run 
> mysql_upgrade to create it.
> 160307 21:49:22 [ERROR] mysqld: unknown option '--skip-bdb'
> 160307 21:49:22 [ERROR] Aborting
> So in the end, in addition to using
> default-storage-engine=myisam
> I had to comment out the line
> #skip-bdb

Hi Johannes! Thanks for taking the time to reach out. I'm struggling
to understand what the "bug" is. Config files that have been customized
have to be manually updated in any major upgrade. I don't think that's
specific to MySQL.

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