Control: clone 817119 -1
Control: reassign -1 debianutils
Control: usertag -1 usrmerge
Control: subscribe -1

On Mar 08, Michele Orru` <> wrote:

> with usrmerge, some programs - such as pkexec, or LEAP's bitmask on top of 
> that-
> fails to run. Specifically, the error I get is:
> The value for the SHELL variable was not found the /etc/shells file
> and indeed my SHELL variable is set to "/usr/bin/bash", but /etc/shells
> contains "/bin/bash". Adding $SHELL to /etc/shells solves the problem.
I checked a RHEL7 system and /etc/shells contains both paths, so 
I assume that there is no better solution than duplicating the entries.

I will make usrmerge update /etc/shells on installs, but debianutils 
should be updated as well for new installs where the usrmerge package 
will not be needed anymore.


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