Hello Andreas! :)

On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 02:49:46PM +0100, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> > On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 04:18:27PM -0800, Josh Triplett wrote:
> >> Even with util-linux 2.27.1-5, I still hit a dependency loop that caused
> [... cut long explanation ...]
> That sounds complicated, and I don't have time to look into the details
> right now. But I could help if you want to get upgrade paths tested with
> piuparts.

Thanks for your offer! 
It would be very welcome if you wanted to test the two steps I see.

step1: fix this bug report (in a contained fashion to u-l), packages at:


(This is the same packaging changes as previously attached diff.)

step2: once things have settled down after step1, revert half the changes of
step1 and do a synchronized upload together with sysvinit. Packages at:


I've manually (debootstrap + add sid, local-repo + dist-upgrade) tested:

* stable -> step1 -> step2
* stable -> step2

> Or you can do drop the debs to test in e.g. /tmp/mydebstotest (together
> with a Packages file) yourself and run something like
> piuparts ... -d jessie -d sid --bindmount /tmp/mydebstotest
> --testdebs-repo  /tmp/mydebstotest --distupgrade-to-testdebs --apt hello
> (that will do a dist-upgrade from jessie to sid, but with some newer
> local packages overriding the ones from sid)

Thanks for the hint. I should start using piuparts more myself. Will
look into this once I find more time which is currently scarce.

Andreas Henriksson

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