+++ Axel Beckert [2016-03-11 11:52 +0100]:
> Hi Wookey,
> Wookey wrote:
> > Issue still present in v
> > (rebuilt from testing/unstable source on jessie)
> Are you sure about that version number? Testing/Unstable currently has
> 1.7.4+tb2-1. is the version in Jessie.

Sorry. The version I have installed is 1.7.4+tb2-1, so I did test the right one.

What I don't understand is why everyone isn't complaining about
this. It's been affecting me at nearly every conference for 3-4
years... Does everyone else put up with it, or is there something odd
about my setup that makes it possible to get a dbus message failure?
> > Can we just take out the dbus assert for this as it seems to be
> > inappropriate?
> I'll have a look. Thanks for the hint.

I know nothing about dbus. It seems that the author thinks this should
never happen. All I know is that it happens nearly every time I move
between wifi zones (on an x200 thinkpad - amybe it's specific to the wifi

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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