Hi Diego,

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 04:55:36PM +0100, Diego M. Rodriguez wrote:
> hope everything is going fine! I'm writing you in the hopes of pinging
> you about the status of the solving of the module naming conflict of
> the jellyfish packages (informally and hopefully politely!).

There is no need for an "informal" contact - we can also do it formally
(== openly - thus I was CCing the ITP bug as well as the Python list).
(And I confirm you are contacting politely, which is always welcome ;-))
> I could not find any recent public activity in that front, although in
> the meantime "my" jellyfish upstream has released a new version [1]
> which I'm in the process of packaging, so I thought it would be a nice
> time to contact you hoping to get a better feeling of where we stand at
> and if the DNA-jellyfish upstream author had the time and energy to take
> a look at the Python module renaming. I did notice that a new version
> was released a few days ago [2], although it does not seem that there
> are changes related to swig/ or the Python modules.

I need to confirm that something slipped through by chance which was not
really intended but is very related.  The python3-jellyfish package of
the DNA-Jellyfish packaging remained in Git since our discussion was
stalled and recently - as you realised - a bug fix release of it came
out[2].  So another maintainer of the Debian Med team upgraded to the
new version and uploaded the package which is now in the new queue[3].

This was not really intended but now it happened.  We now need to
decide about the two options:

  1. Cancel the upload to new and drop the python3-jellyfish package
  2. Just leave this as is and follow the advise of the jellyfish
     author quoted on top of this mail to the python list[4] to
     rename just the Python module.

I think option 2. is better for all parts and if you agree I'd
immediately cancel the upload to new.

Kind regards and sorry for the confusion


> [1] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jellyfish/0.5.3
> [2] https://github.com/gmarcais/Jellyfish/releases/tag/v2.2.5

[3] https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/jellyfish_2.2.5-1.html
[4] https://lists.debian.org/debian-python/2016/01/msg00001.html


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