control: tag -1 moreinfo
control: owner -1 !

On Sun, Feb 28, 2016 at 09:48:30AM +0000, Christopher Baines wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for "fake-factory"


>   dget -x
> It is also available on

being in DPMT and given that by team policy the git repo should reflect
what's packaged, I'm going to ignore what's on mentors.d.n.

* debian/changelog:
  + bump the date, Dec 2015 is really too old
* debian/control:
  + bump Standards-Version
  + u.U this is in DPMT, git is *mandatory*, how could you miss Vcs-Git
    and Vcs-Browser here?
  + I: fake-factory source: duplicate-long-description python-fake-factory 
  + I: python-fake-factory: extended-description-is-probably-too-short
  + I: python3-fake-factory: extended-description-is-probably-too-short
* debian/copyright:
  + the 'License: Expat' paragraph contains a copyright statment, please
    remove it, after this is a *license* paragraph, not copyright.
  + I can clearly see that you did work in 2016, so please also claim
    copyright over 2016 too.
* debian/gbp.conf:
  + how so there is this file?  DPMT mandates git-dpm, and the content
    of this file is worrisome
* debian/.git-dpm:
  + you haven't initialized it to follow the DPMT rules, so the tag you
    created are in the wrong format.  See then delete
    those tags.
    - more: there is tag "patched-0.5.3-1", but that one is done once
      the package is ready, togheter with the debian/* one, so don't
      create/push that tag after you'll remove it.

Now, something maybe more difficult:
as lintian notices:
X: python-fake-factory: library-package-name-for-application usr/bin/faker2
X: python-fake-factory: application-in-library-section python usr/bin/faker2
X: python3-fake-factory: library-package-name-for-application usr/bin/faker3
X: python3-fake-factory: application-in-library-section python usr/bin/faker3

you are installing something in PATH.  ok.
I see this was done by upstream, but providing /usr/bin/faker{2,3} where
the only difference is the python version used is very confusing.
Nowdays the better way to fix that is to ship only one binary, using the
python3 library, in a separate package (maybe named "faker")

Another thing: please build the manpage at build time, by calling
help2man directly there.

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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