I have updated the information of Ms Larissa Reis from
https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWomen/LarissaReis into this profile for the
web. I am attaching the template.

Lot of love to Debian Community.

Thank you.
<define-tag pagetitle>Larissa Reis</define-tag>
#use wml::debian::profiles
#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/women/profiles/profiles.def"

<profile name="Larissa Reis" picture="">

    # How long have you been using Debian?
    I had my first contact with Free Software and open source philosophy when I got into University in 2009. Thankfully, a few years before, some of my seniors advocated the use of only open source software in our department laboratories, despite ongoing resistance from other students and some staff. Debian was their distro of choice in our University labs, but I was using Ubuntu from 2009 until 2012, when I finally changed to Debian. I've been using Debian exclusively ever since :-)

    # Are you a Debian Developer?
    Nope. Maybe someday.
    # What areas of Debian are you involved in?
    I help package python modules as a member of the Debian Python Modules Team.

    # What got you interested in working with Debian?
    I was inspired by people I work with who work with Debian.

    # Do you have any tips for women interested in getting more involved with Debian?
    Don't be afraid to ask, there are no stupid questions. debian-mentors and debian-women IRC channels are very helpful.

    # Are you involved with any other women in technology group? Which one(s)?
    I help as mentor in <a href="http://railsgirls.com/";>RailsGirls</a> events, which aims to show girls programming is easy and everybody can learn how to do it :-)

    # A bit more about you...
    I'm a computer scientist from Brazil working with Web Development. I'm studying for a masters in computer science, focused on network research and working primarily with performance optimization for Optical Networks. You can contact me at larissa @ IRC freenode or IRC OFTC

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