* Benjamin Kaduk [2016-03-23 22:14:18 -0400]:
> (bugs.debian.org does not show any reply from me on this bug, which is
> surprising since I thought I had replied when it came in ... my apologies
> if this is not so.)

Indeed I don't recall receiving any reply from you at the time, not even
a private one. Well, better late than never.

> I will have a look at the documentation on basic.target to see whether it
> pulls in anything that is needed by openafs.

openafs-client.service is already constrained to start after its obvious
prerequisites network-online.target and local-fs.target (for the cache).
Whatever else may be missing has to be part of either the base system or
an explicit dependency of package openafs-client or systemd, doesn't it?

The dependency of /etc/init.d/openafs-client on $time notwithstanding,
you don't want to add After=time-sync.target since ntp requires $remote_fs.
(Besides, afsd shouldn't really care about clock skew on startup, it only
begins to matter when obtaining tokens.)

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