Definitely closely related.

I'd however add a test case that I'm not sure the proposed patch would
solve. An image made of two successive gray levels (say, 128 and 129).
The "Auto" threshold should be able to separate them. I think the
proposed patch just lack a "+1" on the final result.

(BTW, aren't we supposed to answer bellow the message we're replying to?)

2016-03-26 16:31 UTC+01:00, Ari Pollak <>:
> Ah, thanks for the explanation! Do you think this upstream bug describes
> the same problem?
> On Sat, Mar 19, 2016 at 8:46 PM Celelibi <> wrote:
>> 2016-03-18 23:56 UTC+01:00, Ari Pollak <>:
>> > I can't seem to reproduce this. Could you provide step-by-step
>> > instructions, starting from opening gimp?
>> >
>> Ok.
>> 1) Open an image. I join one as example, but any may work too.
>> 2) Use the menu Colors > Threshold. Click "auto", then validate with
>> "OK".
>> 3) Use again the menu Colors > Threshold. Click "auto".
>> The automatically choosen threshold is 0 which will make the image
>> completely white while it was already black and white.

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