Dear Marco,

On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 6:41 AM, Marco Gaiarin <> wrote:
> I've finally decomissioned the server, so i've get some time (and
> courage ;) to upgrade controller firmware to latest version (2.84) and
> do some test (server was off network, but with service online and with
> clamscan running on a loop continuously).
> Machine survive with wheezy kernel for a week, so seems to me that
> firmware upgrade (and/or wheezy kernel upgrades ;) cure the trouble.
> Probably the server will be trashed, anyway...

Thanks for your feedback!

It'd be appreciated if you can inform the version of running kernel
and version of upgraded firmware.
This may be helpful to those having the same hardware.

Roger Shimizu, GMT +9 Tokyo

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