Package: maim
Followup-For: Bug #819533


> The synopsis has a typo, "screenshts". But I'm mainly filing a bug for
> the extended description, which left me rather non-plussed; here's
> what I'd like to find out without having to look at maim's web site:
> * is it command-line or GUI driven?
> * what's slop? is it packaged in Debian?
> * in what way is maim better than scrot?

Or indeed
  * in what way is maim better than import (in imagemagick)?

There's a ruby-slop, but apparently you're talking about the slop that
exists only on GitHub.  Looking at the upstream description leaves me

  * in what way is slop better than xwd (in x11-apps)?

JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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