On 30 March 2016 at 19:01, Andreas Tille wrote:
| On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 07:02:04AM -0500, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > 
| > | Could you please explain what size exactly is doubled?  As far as I
| > | understood r-cran-bh would be just a wrapper for the Debian packaged
| > | libboost.
| > 
| > Nope. As I explained to you before and in this thread, there is downside in
| > differing from what is on CRAN.
| OK.  At a second look I noticed how simple it is to replace BH by the
| Debian packaged boost.  I think I've got the downside but to my opinion

Yes, it is a simple sed call on DESCRIPTION, coupled with a Build-Depends.

But -- you risk creating different packages, creating different behaviour and
possibly very different to track bugs.

Having thought about this for a bit, I came to the conclusion that I'd rather
package r-cran-bh.

| its way more sensible to avoid code duplication as a general rule and
| run the accompanying test suite of the packages to ensure that
| everything works as expected.
| In other words I do not need the r-cran-bh package as a predependency
| of my packages any more.

Entirely your call, but as I state above, one that I would NOT make.

One of the strongest things about R is the consistent reliability across
installation.  You are starting to differ here.   It may not matter most of
the time, only to all of sudden become an issue -- that may be hard to track
form someone not familiar with these details.

In my view saving 5mb in the archive is not worth it.


| Kind regards
|     Andreas. 
| -- 
| http://fam-tille.de

http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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