Sun, 3 Apr 2016 14:41:44 +0200
Andreas Henriksson <> écrivait :

> Hello again!

Hi Andreas,

> mlundblad mentioned to me on IRC that he has identified the culprit
> as gjs in testing not being new enough. Please confirm that upgrading
> to gjs from unstable fixes the problem for you.

I installed gjs 1.44.0-1 and (+ its dependency libgjs0e 1.44.0-1)
from unstable and it solved the issue.

Gnome Maps start without any problems.

> (This issue has been fixed upstream in gnome-maps at:
> and I'll add the equivalent dependency to the debian package shortly.)
> Regards,

Thank you so much to you and mlundblad on IRC.

Kindest regards,

> Andreas Henriksson

Jean-Marc <>

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