[ Including a CC to Robie from the previous bug #763589... ]

Hey guys,

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 11:37:56PM +0000, Roddy Shuler wrote:
>Package: fake-hwclock
>Version: 0.10
>On bug #763589, protection was added around the save operation so that the
>saved time cannot go backwards without forcing.  While this clearly
>mitigates the race condition of concern, I don't believe it is an
>acceptable solution for normal users.
>Consider the following use case...
>1. The user accidentally sets a wrong time to a date in the future -- for
>example, sets the year to 2017 rather than 2016
>2. The fake-hwclock.data file is written with the future time
>3. The user then realizes the mistake, and tries to fix the time back to
>the year 2016
>4. Now, the cron job and service will not update the fake-hwclock.data,
>since it appears that the current system time is in the past (relative to
>the invalid saved time)
>5. On reboot, the clock reverts to the future date in the year 2017, and
>continues to do so on every reboot for the next year (unless the user is
>advanced enough to know to manually run the script with the force flag)
>Other than races on startup, the normal case is that the system time will
>not go backwards unless it was intentionally changed (either by a user or
>by an update from an NTP server), so I don't believe it makes sense to
>reject such saves by default.  (The protection for loads, on the other
>hand, is clearly needed.)
>For my specific use case, I simply reverted to the original behavior
>without any protection against saving, but I suppose the upstream solution
>would require an alternate solution to the race reported on #763589.


And in #763589 we have:

>I've observed a system with a correctly working fake-hwclock
>(originally initalised by NTP) set its time back to shortly after the
>epoch, including in /etc/fake-hwclock.data.
>I believe this happened because "fake-hwclock save" was called after
>boot before "fake-hwclock load" was called.
>I think this happens in the case of a very early shutdown event that
>calls "/etc/init.d/rc 0" before "/etc/init.d/rcS" has completed.
>In my case, I have a Raspberry Pi rigged with an external shutdown
>signal hooked up via udev. If the signal is "high" at boot time, then
>the Pi shuts down without fully booting up.
>I'm not entirely sure that this is the cause, but the race is there.

We have two conflicting requirements here, I think. Thanks for
explaining your logic, both of you.

The problem is that I don't think there's a good solution to both
problems here. We can't *know* that the system time has been read from
fake-hwclock.data before calling "save". I briefly considered adding a
"I've seen this" flag that could be set in "load", but that's no
guarantee at all - if we power down unexpectedly then it'll be set
already at next boot.

What we *can* do is instead add an extra declaration of system time
based on the build/release date of the particular version of the
fake-hwclock package in use, and refuse to back to a date before
*that* unless --force is used. How does that sound?

Or can you think of any other possible fixes here?

[ I've also just realised that I'll need to go back and re-add
  initramfs support now that we automatically attempt to mount and
  fsck /usr in the initramfs. Joy \o/ ]

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"I suspect most samba developers are already technically insane... Of
 course, since many of them are Australians, you can't tell." -- Linus Torvalds

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