On 2016-04-11 08:06, Andreas Tille wrote:
However, I can confirm that the FW4SPL team doesn't want to leave the
Debian Med project.
I think that the packaging of fw4spl 0.9.2 won't be maintained, and that
the team will work on the packaging of an other version. This version
depends on VTK6 and ITK4.

Please also ask for some schedule to let us estimate a sensible time
frame.  An alternative might be to move fw4spl to experimental to not
block unstable for any migration.  I would do so if the release you
were mentioning is not coming in the next weeks.

Moving fw4spl to experimental is unlikely to be helpful. You probably cannot build fw4spl with the dependencies available in unstable, and if the build picks up the old dependencies there is no differences with the currently situation in unstable.

Kind Regards,


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