I didn't start it manually at all, I used the automatic systemd
configuration (which hooks into suspend.service I think) and rebooted. I'm
using lxdm with xfce. However, I tried purging xss-lock, and reinstalling
it, and that seems to have fixed the issue for me. I guess this bug can be


On Tue, Apr 12, 2016, 5:52 AM Ian Campbell <i...@debian.org> wrote:

> On Mon, 2016-04-11 at 22:15 -0400, Jay Kamat wrote:
> > Package: xss-lock
> > Version: 0.3.0-2
> > Severity: important
> >
> > Dear Maintainer,
> >
> > With the latest update of xscreensaver, xss-lock, a package which
> > locks
> > the screen using xscreensaver on suspend seems to prevent a suspend,
> > and
> > additionally renders the 'poweroff, reboot, and shutdown' commands
> > all
> > inoperative. These are the errors that I get from systemctl status
> > poweroff.service.
> >
> > ● poweroff.target - Power-Off
> >    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/poweroff.target; disabled;
> > vendor
> >    preset: disabled)
> >       Active: inactive (dead)
> >              Docs: man:systemd.special(7)
> >
> > I'm not sure how to provide any additional logs, but if you give me
> > a place to look I can provide additional info.
> >
> > Steps to Reproduce:
> >
> > 1. Install xscreensaver, xss-lock
> > 2. Reboot system
> > 3. Suspend via closing laptop lid
> > 4. Suspend dosen't work but everything else keeps functioning
> > normally.
> > (no black screen).
> > 5. Attempt to poweroff/reboot
> When and how (i.e. with what parameters) in this sequence did you start
> xss-lock? What X windows/desktop environment are you using? Started via
> a DM or with startx?
> Ian.

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