What you really need on the top of the man page is an example of how to
use this in daily life.

Apparently one does
# dhcpcd5 wlxf428530bfc87
Browse Browse Browse for a few hours. Oh, time for bed.
# dhcpcd5 -k wlxf428530bfc87
Wait, I forgot to email Georgio
# dhcpcd5 wlxf428530bfc87

RM> Also see the -x and -M options and the section on Multiple interfaces.

I don't know if I should use -x or -k in daily life.

RM> A patch for better wording would be welcome :)

RM> Because you started dhcpcd on interface wlxf428530bfc87 without -M, all
RM> exit operations need to be given the same interface.

Well then all I know is saying

> -k, --release [interface]
>              This causes an existing dhcpcd process running on the interface
>              to release its lease and de-configure the interface regardless of
>              the -p, --persistent option.  If no interface is specified then
>              this applies to all interfaces.  If no interfaces are left run-
>              ning, dhcpcd will exit.

is wrong!

> # dhcpcd5 -k
> dhcpcd not running
Should say
  "dhcpcd not running on interface '' but maybe running on other interfaces."
or something.

RM> The idea was that the dhcpcd package (@ version 3 iirc) would be retired
Oh I see...

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