Hi Drew,

On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 11:03:44AM -0400, Drew DeVault wrote:
> Not sure how the Debian process works, so forgive me if I'm
> misunderstanding anything.

I'm glad you're asking…! :)

> My concern is that Debian is slow and sway is <1.0 right now. Will sway
> ship with Debian 9 or such and then I'll be receiving bug reports about
> version 0.* for years?

Not neccessarily:

At first, sway will be uploaded to "unstable" and unstable is actually quite
very uptodate. After some days and if it's free from bugs of severity
"serious" and higher, it will automatically migrate to "testing".

So unstable and testing are actually usually quite uptodate and people run
unstable and testing and they are used to create a number of popular
derived distros, *buntu is one of them. So it's useful to have sway
there and updated regularily.

And then, there will be a freeze of testing at the end of this year and
then sometime next year testing will be declared "stable". stable is
free of major changes (well, except for firefox and the kernel and
some…) and in general only receives security fixes.

One easy way of preventing sway from being released as stable is to file
a RC bug to prevent it from entering "testing".

> On 2016-04-18  3:16 PM, Holger Levsen wrote:
> > * License         : BSD
> Sway uses the MIT license.

ah, thanks!


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