
>You are looking at wrong file! We do not use Makefile.linux, but 
>CMakeLists.txt. And then cmake in /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu 
>directory generate own Makefile, nothing from Makefile.linux.

ok, so maybe this might be a question for -mentors.
did you try to make the debhelper dependency more explicit?
e.g. >= 9.0.whatever

IIRC some checks were added based on the debhelper version

>Will making them as "private" helps? And how to do that? Or better, how 
>to ignore all symbols expect those which are whitelisted specified in 
>debian/libstorm9.symbols file?

not sure here, I'm not a symbols-savvy man :(
please ask on -mentors and come back if you have fixes for them...



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