On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 4:46 AM, Sean Whitton wrote:

> Yes, it should definitely be xul-ext-iceweasel-branding -- that's
> pkg-mozext policy for anything that appears in about:addons.  dh_xul-ext
> assumes that your package is called xul-ext-foo, and it will generate a
> Provides: entry for firefox-foo.

The package name was suggested by Mozilla folks:


> How about adding a new file /usr/share/applications/iceweasel.desktop
> that launches firefox with the old icon?  This would make this extension
> conflict with iceweasel, but I think that would be okay so long as you
> added a Conflicts: line in d/control.

I think it would be best to handle this in the iceweasel package instead.



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