On Wed, 20 Apr 2016 09:31:34 +0200 Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> On 2016-04-16 10:20:26, Michael Gilbert wrote:
> > control: tag -1 help, confirmed
> > control: severity -1 grave
> > x-debbugs-cc: pkg-multimedia-maintain...@lists.alioth.debian.org
> >
> > Jose A. Fernandez Gonzalez wrote:
> > > Version 49 of Chromium and earlier versions depend on ffmpeg libraries
> > > (libavcodec, libavformat, libavutil, ...) and it seems version 50 doesn't
> > > depend on those libraries, maybe the problem comes out with HTML5 content
> > > because of that.
> >
> > Chromium's linking of ffmpeg has somehow changed, so ffmpeg.patch will
> > need to be updated, or the embedded copy of ffmpeg could be used
> > again.
> >
> > I don't have much free time right now, so it may be some time before I
> > get to this. Help is appreciated.
> With the attached patch chromium links against ffmpeg at least. Other than 
> that
> it's untested.
> Regards
> --
> Sebastian Ramacher

It occurred to me to try to rebuild the package locally, unmodified. I built it 
with pbuilder against sid. ldd doesn't show it linking against system's ffmpeg. 
Video now works fine without crashing.

Going to try this patch now.

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