In debian/rules:

use_system_harfbuzz=1 \

also, the harfbuzz is installed,

pine64user@debianpine64:~/chromium-browser-50.0.2661.75$ dpkg -l | grep harfbuzz
ii  libharfbuzz-dev:arm64                 1.2.6-1                               
 arm64        Development files for OpenType text shaping engine
ii  libharfbuzz-gobject0:arm64            1.2.6-1                               
 arm64        OpenType text shaping engine ICU backend (GObject library)
ii  libharfbuzz-icu0:arm64                1.2.6-1                               
 arm64        OpenType text shaping engine ICU backend
ii  libharfbuzz0b:arm64                   1.2.6-1                               
 arm64        OpenType text shaping engine (shared library)

Not sure why it is not detected properly then.

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