Söndag den 17:e april 2016, klockan 04:07, skrev Tiago Ilieve detta:
> Hi Mats,
> I've reviewed your package. It's in a good state, but there's a few
> things you might wanna take a look at:

All are attended to in one manner, or the other.

> * debian/watch: is not working, yelding an error "1.sig failed: 400 URL
> must be absolute". Changing "\1" to "$1" in
> "opts=pgpsigurlmangle=s|(.*).tar.gz$|\1.sig|" allows the signature to
> be downloaded, but uscan fails to check it with "uscan warn: FAIL
> Checking OpenPGP signature (no upstream tarball downloaded)." Are you
> sure the key in "debian/upstream/signing-key.asc" is right?

A bright observation! Upstream is not signing in the manner expected
by uscan, so signature checking had to be disabled.  Replacement pattern
is corrected to perl-format, while being kept as a comment line.

The package is ready for another round of scrutiny.

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