On 3 May 2016 at 04:25, Tianon Gravi <admwig...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1 May 2016 at 21:27, Michael Hudson-Doyle
> <michael.hud...@canonical.com> wrote:
>> 1) If the Depends is entirely auto generated, that doesn't give the
>> maintainer anywhere to encode versioned Depends or alternatives.
>> 2) At least in principle, you could get different results on different
>> architectures thanks to build tags, but -dev packages are _all.debs.
> We could possibly combat this by looking at Build-Depends and stealing
> version constraints and alternatives from there if the package we need
> included exists in the Build-Depends, right?  (Complex, but
> theoretically possible?)

Hm, is there actually any case where Depends (or at least
golang-*-dev) and Build-Depends would differ? dh_golang could just
copy one to the other...

It also occurred to me looking at this that my Built-Using
computations should really only look at the dependencies of the main
packages. (Probably doesn't make much difference in practice though).

>> Not so much of a problem, but I'm also a bit unsure whether the
>> generated value should include TestImports or just Imports (probably
>> just Imports?).
> If we want to have automated "autopkgtests", then it needs to be both
> (which should be reasonably harmless). :)

Yeah, good point.


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