On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 07:23:57AM +0200, Harald Dunkel wrote:
> It would be very nice if dpkg could manage system users and groups
> created for each package.
> At the moment I've got GID 105 for dbus on host A, while 105 is
> used for saned on host B (just as an example). This is a severe
> problem when A's root partition is visible somehow on B, e.g.
> on a central backup server, or on an LXC server managing the
> client rootfs in its own name space.
> I would like to tell dpkg to use GID 105 for the dbus package on
> all systems. If there is a conflict with an existing entry in
> /etc/passwd or /etc/group, then it should refuse to install.

I have another use case for this: root-less .deb installs. While *in
general* one needs root to run `dpkg -i`, most packages (75%) don't
*actually* need arbitrary code to be ran as root to be installed[1].

By making user creation declarative, we could lower that number quite a
bit, I believe. 

So my use case here is to reduce the attack surface for intrusions
through untrusted .debs. I have documented various attack vectors here:


... and this is clearly one of them. :)



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