On 05/07/2016 02:05 AM, James Valleroy wrote:
> tags 821484 patch
> thanks
> The attached patch will simply switch from PHP 5 to PHP 7.0.

The patch looks correct but insufficient.  Here are my notes:

- ownCloud depends on php5 but is being removed.

- tt-rss seems to work okay with php7.  Faced some weird issues during
installation, probably unrelated.

- Shaarli is still dependent on php5 modules but seems to work with php7.

- Roundcube seems to have problem with php7 but upstream supports php7
in 1.2beta (unreleased and not yet available in Debian).

- Php7 module is not enabled in freedombox-setup for people upgrading
from an earlier version.

I have applied the patch and marked that it closes the bug.  However, we
need to address the issue of enabling php7 module for upgrading users.
I propose that we add 'a2enmod php7.0' to post-install.  What do you think?


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