On February 13, 2005 12:18, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> | It would be great if you could upload a fix or workaround, ideally with
> | an
> I am unaware of how I as package maintainer can influence this. In the
> past, this only ever worked by contacting the admins of the build
> machines who manually edited some control tables governing the timeout
> patience.

I understand - some KDE packages suffer from the same basic problem. We've 
had some luck in working around this through toggling some build options 
and optimizations, so I hoped that there might be some similar trick that 
could help quantlib.

I didn't mean this bug report as a slight upon your maintainership or to 
suggest negligence; I merely wanted the problem recorded in the BTS, to 
hear your comments upon it, and hopefully to bring attention to it (from 
those who might be able to fix it).

Christopher Martin

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