Quote/Cytat - Jason Crain <ja...@inspiresomeone.us> (Sat 14 May 2016 11:45:57 PM CEST):

Control: tags -1 + unreproducible moreinfo

On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 07:43:26AM +0100, Janusz S. Bień wrote:
I'm working on a rather sophisticated document with LuaLateX using PDF
Optional Content Groups (OCG), cf.


(the source is available in the repository).

Evince often aborts without an error message. Looks like switching the
windows is one of the factors which trigger this, but in general I can't
see any regularities.

Tt is especially annoying when using AUC-TeX, so I mentioned the problem
first on the AUC-TeX list


but then nobody was able to reproduce my problem.

I'm having trouble reproducing this too.  From your description, it
sounds like this happens when viewing the PDF or switching between

It happens only on specific PDFs like the one mentioned above. I stopped working on them for the time being and I have no problems with evince in my everyday use.

 If this happens regularly to you, can you run evince in a
debugger and provide a stack trace?  Please see
http://live.gnome.org/GettingTraces for more information on how to do

Additionally, to get a good stack trace with debugging symbols, you'll
need to install some debug packages.  Debugging symbols for Evince's
dependencies can be installed with:

   apt-get install gnome-dbg poppler-dbg libcairo2-dbg

Debug symbols for Evince itself have recently moved to the automatic
debugging symbols system which is still a little awkward to use.  For an
up to date stretch/testing system, you can install these by adding this
line to /etc/apt/sources.list:

  deb http://debug.mirrors.debian.org/debian-debug/ unstable-debug main

And running the command:

   apt-get update && apt-get install -t unstable-debug evince-dbgsym \
       libevdocument3-4-dbgsym libevview3-3-dbgsym

Yes, it's unstable-debug, but testing-debug doesn't work yet and Evince
in unstable and testing currently match so it should be OK.

Thanks for the detailed debugging instructions.

I will try to reproduce my problems, but not immediately, as I have a rather hectic time till the mid of June.

Best regards


Prof. dr hab. Janusz S. Bień - Uniwersytet Warszawski (Katedra Lingwistyki Formalnej)
Prof. Janusz S. Bień - University of Warsaw (Formal Linguistics Department)
jsb...@uw.edu.pl, jsb...@mimuw.edu.pl, http://fleksem.klf.uw.edu.pl/~jsbien/

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