On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 06:44:28PM +0100, Guido Günther wrote:

> > as far as i can tell, radicale doesn't fully parse the vobject but just
> > understands enough of it to assemble vobjects into collections, on the
> > base of line.startswith("UID:") and similar (see [1]). calypso is
> > exceptionally strict about vobject contents (bugs in calypso's or other
> > programs' serialization cause something like "400 Bad Request"
> > refusals), but that is one of the key benefits of calypso i perceive.
> Thanks for checking this out. This means we're basically on our own with
> vobject when it comes to calypso.

There seems to now be python3-icalendar, but I don't know if it can be a
full replacement for vobject. It seems to work for vdirsyncer and khal.


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