On Mon, 14 Dec 2015 11:34:53 +0100 Jakub Wilk <jw...@debian.org> wrote:
> * Thomas Ross <thomasr...@thomasross.io>, 2015-12-13, 16:57:
>>The package should actually be called 'Z', but according to reportbug 
>>that is not a valid package name.
> reportbug is right. As per Policy §5.6.1, package names “must be at 
> least two characters long”.
>>Are there any suggestions for this?
> My suggestion is to ask upstream about their preference in alternative 
> names for "z".
> -- 
> Jakub Wilk

I've contacted upstream and they say that "zjump" is fine for a package name.

The executable will still be z.

I am thinking that z will be installed in /usr/share/zjump/z, and that there 
will be a script placed in /etc/profile.d/ that sources /usr/share/zjump/z. I 
could not find any policy against this, however, I found 
https://lists.debian.org/debian-policy/2014/10/msg00013.html which says that it 
would be excepted. Is there anything I am missing here?


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