On Wed, 2016-05-18 at 11:32 -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> the sysvinit approach also doesn't start the service by default.  the
> admin has to manually edit /etc/default/sks in order to get it to
> start
> up.
Well sure, but that's just something that some services offer, and it
kinda conntradicts the idea of rc*.d, which already *is* the
configuration in sysvinit, whether to start or not - now all these
services which control it additionally via /etc/default/foo, have
basically two switches for the same thing.

> With systemd as pid 1, the admin needs instead to:
>   systemctl enable systemd
> This is a superior arrangement (esp. considering that it's not
> possible
> to start up sks without jumping through keydump fetches and db
> builds),
> and I am happy with it.  It's all documented in
> /usr/share/doc/README.Debian.
Sure I didn't disagree with that part =)
The bug was mainly about the dependency model of the two services, as
described before.


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