I've just uploaded puppet 4.5.0-1 to Debian experimental.

There is one problem with puppet 4 and packaged puppet modules.  If I
install puppet 4, packaged puppet modules (puppet-module-*) are

This is caused by a dependency on a minimum version of puppet-common, or
a dependency on "puppet-module-puppetlabs-stdlib" which has such a

The "puppet" package has "Provides: puppet-common", but this does not
satisfy a versioned dependency.

Some packaged puppet modules use "Depends: puppet-common (>= 3)", and
installing puppet 4 will cause these packages to be uninstalled.

These need to be updated to "Depends: puppet (>= 4) | puppet-common (>=
3)" before puppet 4 should be uploaded to Debian unstable:

  puppet-module-asciiduck-sssd (>= 3)
  puppet-module-puppetlabs-apt (>= 3)
  puppet-module-puppetlabs-concat (>= 3)
  puppet-module-puppetlabs-inifile (>= 3)
  puppet-module-puppetlabs-ntp (>= 3)
  puppet-module-puppetlabs-postgresql (>= 3)
  puppet-module-puppetlabs-stdlib (>= 3)
  puppet-module-saz-memcached (>= 3)

I'll upload new versions of these shortly, with the dependencies fixed.

The other packaged puppet modules use "Depends: puppet-common". These
should be updated to "Depends: puppet (>= 4) | puppet-common" at some

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen

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