Package: apt
Version: 1.2.12
Severity: minor

The code base for APT uses the term “header” in several distinct ways.

The following usages correctly refer to the singular content at the
head of some data stream:

* The singular header of a binary file, such as an AR archive.

* The singular header of an HTTP request or response.

Other usages are confused and should be corrected:

* The head of a section in a document. This is correctly termed a
  “section head” or “heading”.

* The name-value pair of a field, such as in a Packages file. This is
  correctly termed a “field”.

* The name-value pair of a field in a header, such as a field in an
  HTTP request. This is correctly termed a “header field”.

I will prepare a change set to correct the documentation, code
comments, and messages emitted by APT.

Translation files are present in the VCS, but I will leave those
untouched because I think they are generated automatically.

 \           “A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular.” |
  `\                                            —Adlai Ewing Stevenson |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <>

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