On Mon, 2006-01-16 at 07:37, Alex Satrapa wrote:
> On 14 Jan 2006, at 21:26, Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
> > to, 2005-12-15 kello 11:43 +0100, Volker Christian Behr kirjoitti:
> >> gs -q -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER
> >> -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=/tmp/testpage.pdf
> >> -dAutoRotatePages=/PageByPage -dAutoFilterColorImages=false
> >> -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -c save pop -f
> >> <spoolfile>
> > Alex:  have you tried the above test?  Could you please provide me and
> > Volker with your results, so that we can resolve this issue? Thanks!
> Yes - I thought I had responded to it some time ago.
> The output is garbled, just like the original PDF printed out by the 
> cups-pdf printer.
> It turns out that the printing is only garbled when printing from my 
> Mac OS X computer - when I print from a Windows XP computer the 
> postscript works fine. So there's something the Mac OS X print system 
> does differently that causes cups-pdf to have a headache. If you are 
> prepared to pursue this bug to see what CUPS can do to better handle 
> printing from Mac OS X, I'd love to continue.
> Printing to PostScript laser printers works fine from this computer.
> I've stripped the command down to the following, that still produces 
> scrambled output:
> gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sOutputFile=out.pdf -c save pop 
> -f in.ps

What printer driver is your CUPS on the Mac OS X platform using? Perhaps
changing there to another PostScript driver will resolve the issue. 
(What I have in mind is that perhaps your Mac OS X driver uses a font
description which is not available on the Linux-server and for some
reason the font substitution fails.)

> Alex Satrapa
> Australian Phenomics Facility
> Building 117 Garran Road
> The Australian National University 
> Canberra ACT 0200 Australia
> T: +61 2 6125 1335
> F: +61 2 6125 1381
> W: www.apf.edu.au
> CRICOS Provider #0120C

Volker Christian Behr
Experimentelle Physik V (Biophysik), Physikalisches Institut
Universitaet Wuerzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Wuerzburg, Germany

Office: Room F-069a
+49-931-888-5766 (phone)
+49-931-888-5851 (fax)

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