>>>>> JSB == Janusz S Bien [2016-5-22] JSB> I understand the blocking bug is #768724, but why it was reopened?
AUCTeX 11.88-1 miss the following patch which is in AUCTeX 11.87-3 (11.87-3 has been uploaded to testing later than 11.88-1 to unstable): <http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/salve/auctex.git/diff/?h=jessie/master&id=59fd7bcea808704ef02bd92b3f3d7ce247018f44>. I'll look into merging NMU 11.88-1.1 and upstream 11.89 while also taking care for this and other bugs. However, I'm afraid I won't be able to find time to do it sooner than in two weeks. -- Thanks, Davide