Hi Andreas,

On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 12:24:26PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > That would be much appreciated indeed. (Aka: Could you please give us
> > such a patch?!)
> Commited to Git.


I've seen you also added a "closes: 825004" to our debian/changelog,
which I've rewritten to "workaround #825004" as that bug is about
blends-dev not having an option not to create an $blends-all
> Please note:  The patch only removes edu-all.  There are also changes inside
> the tasksel control file which you might or might not have noticed.
yes, i've seen those, thanks for notifiying anyway. I've just not made
up my mind how to react to thoseā€¦

> Hope these small workarounds are helpful

they are, thanks. But as you say, they are just workarounds, the bugs
/ missing features still reside in blends-dev.


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