Hi Antoine, this seems like a configuration problem with poor error
reporting (but there is not a lot to do with error handling with what
GitHub provides via API).

Your `pull new` is trying to create a pull request against
borgbackup/borg:docs-ml (look at the output "Creating pull request from
branch docs-ml to borgbackup/borg:docs-ml "), but then you created
manually against borgbackup/borg:master instead.

My guess is the branch docs-ml doesn't exist in "upstream"
(borgbackup/borg) and that's why you are getting that error.

The branch docs-ml was used probably because your local branch has it
configured as tracking branch (probably in your own fork), and git-hub
uses the tracking branch by default when there is one (yes, is a wild
guess which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't).

You probably had to select the target branch in the upstream repo when
creating the PR via the GitHub web, so you have to do the same with the
GitHub tool (maybe we should completely remove the default, I don't

You can do: `git hub pull new -b master` for example

About your configuration pains, did you read the man page? If you did
and still find it too confusing, any feedback on how to improve it is
very much welcome.

To do so, it would be most useful if you can just report the issue (or
even better, make a pull request :) in the repo directly, instead of the
Debian package.



Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)                     http://llucax.com.ar/

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