My summary of the above three postings

  * This is very annoying
  * not a bug but expected behaviour, use "IgnoreIfMissing on;"
  * can observe a likewise behaviour, in the meantime using the recommended fix

What manual page says, note twice "default"

   IgnoreIfMissing on|off

      A flag indicating whether or not the interface is ignored if  it
      does not exist at start-up.  By default, radvd exits.

      This  is useful for dynamic interfaces which are not active when
      radvd starts or which are dynamically  disabled  and  re-enabled
      during the time radvd runs.

      Current versions of radvd automatically try to re-enable interfaces.

      Enabling IgnoreIfMissing also quenches certain warnings  in  log
      messages relating to missing interfaces.

      Default: on

Where I read the two defaults being in conflict, is it more important
to read
      Current versions of radvd automatically try to re-enable interfaces.

So this bug _might_ be fixed.   \o/

Leaving it on open for several reasons.
 * Having a reference for
   which was open at the time of writing this triage update
 * maybe adding IgnoreIfMissing in the examples
 * the ambigues defaults in the manaul page

Geert Stappers

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