On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 7:38 PM, Steinar H. Gunderson
<sgunder...@bigfoot.com> wrote:
> Perhaps you can enlighten me on an issue: Why don't we simply enable all
> modules? One would think that if there's a driver somewhere, it would
> actually be useful to someone, as opposed to one user having to dig through
> for each board in existence and file bugs to enable kernel support.

I'm definitely not the right person to answer this.
However here's my thought:
- First, it's not debian issue, even upstream kernel has different
defconfig for each arch/platform.
- Strip some unnecessary module can save space, both for the box to
install the kernel, and for the Debian archive.
- Even for the reasons above, there's still room to improve: we may
have a mechanism to report newly appended modules when new kernel get
release, and debian kernel maintainer of each arch/flavour can review
this list, and then judge whether to include them.

If you really want to discuss this, I suggest you to start a new
thread in debian-ker...@lists.debian.org
It's not a issue that one bug ticket can resolve. We need more
discussion that all kernel maintainers have census.

Roger Shimizu, GMT +9 Tokyo

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